Architect Okan Oncel’s passion for designing public cultural spaces that engage target audiences, while anticipating the services, environment, and spaces they will be seeking out, prompted participation in a 2021 international design competition for a new library for Songdo International City, a satellite of Seoul, South Korea.
Songdo is home to schools and universities, convention centers, factories, residences, restaurants, and other lifestyle amenities. The design challenge asked architects to expand the city’s cultural infrastructure with a public library that complemented the existing urban and architectural context, with a focus on sustainability, inclusion, integrated design, expandability, and engagement.
Inspired by area factories and their design, as well as the local schools and universities, Okan’s design features a dedicated outdoor pavilion for young people and a visionary activation of the library’s rooftop for both summer and winter activities. The green roof offers sitting areas to create a realm of public exchange, set in an environment of urban visual intrigue.
The design initially pulled the four corners of the roof up, integrating the exterior with the books and interior library spaces—and in the final design two corners were pulled back down, creating a dramatic slope that functionally might even be used for snowboarding.
The library design envisions four levels in all, with a large glass enclosure for books and descending levels that include parking. While books are honored, Okan focuses on a larger vision to create a living center to inspire and engage children and adults living in proximity to the library.